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Dislodged Tooth

Dental root canal illustration

Also known as avulsion, the complete displacement of a tooth from its socket causes severe damage to the supporting tissues, blood vessels and nerve structures. The trauma can be a stressful event especially if there are other injuries to the face and body. Such incidents are usually due to sports, accidents, or a blow to one’s face.

It requires immediate emergency management in order to achieve good results.

What Must You Do?

Do not panic!

Look for the tooth. It should be somewhere on the ground.

Once found, DO NOT wash it clean or rinse in water. We want to preserve the tissues that may still be attached to the tooth.

Soak it in a container of pasteurised whole milk ideally within five minutes. Yes, milk has been discovered 30 yrs ago to be less damaging to avulsed teeth. If you cannot get hold of milk, soak in salt water, contact lens solution or your own saliva. Soak in water only as a very last resort.

Then come to the clinic immediately, preferably within an hour.

What Will the Dentist Do?

The dentist will try to reimplant the tooth into the socket and stabilise it with a splint for a few weeks to allow the tooth to firm up. Root canal treatment will be carried out later in order to remove the dead nerve tissues inside.

If the tooth can be reimplanted within an hour, the chances of success will be significantly higher.

Book A Consultation

Contact us and come in immediately. The sooner we can reimplant the tooth, the better for you.


Dislodged Tooth Treatment in Orchard, Singapore | Whatsapp: +65 8394 0827 | +65 6737 7022